The version 2.11-r5 of RPi-Monitor has been released.
If you don't know yet what RPI-Monitor do, have a look to RPi-Monitor Overview.
What's new in this version?
This version is coming with internal changes, improvement and bug fixes.
Here is the changelog of version 2.11-r5:
Still Alive
This revision come 19 month after version 2.10. It is quite long and some people were asking if the project was dead or not.
The response is no, the project is not dead.
Version 2.11-beta7 was, one year ago a candidate to release but some bugs introduce with a new feature prevent the publication. I then decided to remove the buggy feature and to publish this new version.
RPi-Monitor is now a mature project and the frequency of update willnaturally decrease but the project is Still Alive.
How to install RPi-Monitor's the new repository
Execute the following command to add or update RPi-Monitor repository in you repository list.
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rpimonitor.list
Installation or upgrade from the repository
If you already have installed the latest version of RPi-Monitor using the repository, you can execute the following commands to upgrade:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
If you install RPi-Monitor for the first time, execute the following command to add RPi-Monitor into your list of repository:
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rpimonitor.list
To install RPi-Monitor, execute the following command:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install rpimonitor
After installation or upgrade you should execute the following command to update information about upgradeable packages:
sudo /etc/init.d/rpimonitor update
Manual installation is still working. Refer to RPi-Monitor Installation page for explanation.
New: Multi-column display
New: Alerts
RPi-Monitor is now embedding a mechanism of alerts. The idea is to execute a script when a KPI reach a limit. To avoid executing this script to frequently, some timer have to be configured.
The file example.alert.confshow how to configure alerts. We will see here how to simulate a temperature monitoring and how this configuration can raise and clear alerts.
To better understand the following explanation you should open the file.
The first part defines dynamic data and howRPi-Monitorshould do to extract information from the file /tmp/alert_test.
These data are added in statistics page to graphs the temperature.
Then we configure 2 alerts too_hot and too_cold. Here is the example for too_hot.>120
The alert will be evaluated only when it will become active, when active parameter will be evaluate to true. In my example 120 seconds after computer starts.
When the alert is active, the trigger is evaluated. In my example, when test if the value of test_alert is greater than 50.
When the trigger returns trueduring maxalertduration seconds (20 seconds), the command commandTooHot is executed.
If the trigger is still true after resendperiod seconds after (60 seconds), the command commandTooHot is executed again.
When the trigger become false during cancelvalidation seconds (20 seconds), the command commandItIsOkNow is executed.
Into the example file, you can see how these data are used to display label on status page. You will see that limit exceed is immediately detected and you will see alert send after the defined delay.
You want to test this example. It is easy:
New: Automatic update packages status
When you update your system manually, it is require to execute the following command:
sudo /etc/init.d/rpimonitor update
If you don't want to execute this command each time you update your system, RPi-Monitor can do this for you.To add or remove automatic update of this data, execute:
sudo /etc/init.d/rpimonitor install_auto_package_status_update
sudo /etc/init.d/rpimonitor remove_auto_package_status_update
RPi-Monitor is fully configurable so if the displayed information doesn't match you need, customize it.
Everything display in status pages or in statistics pages can be modified, tuned and customized to your needs.
To see how to customize it, use the command
man rpimonitord
man rpimonitord.conf
To define the configuration you can use RPi-Monitor Interactive Configuration Helper whit the command:
rpimonitord -i
You will find some examples of customization in RPi-Monitor articles.
Once RPi-Monitor is configured as you wished, browse http://RPiIpAddress:8888/ to access to the web interface.
If you don't know yet what RPI-Monitor do, have a look to RPi-Monitor Overview.
RPi-Monitor is Still Alive (clip by Jonathan Coulton)
What's new in this version?
This version is coming with internal changes, improvement and bug fixes.
Here is the changelog of version 2.11-r5:
- New repository hosted on to avoid issue with github
- Add multicolumn view in status page for large screen
- Add alert feature able to execute script when necessary (Recovery action, SMS, e-mail, etc.)
- Add possibility to use result of KPI into source or in alert commands with keyword 'data.<kpi>'
- Add logfile in configurable destination (Default: /var/log/rpimonitor.log)
- Add arch configuration files
- Add possibility to set a default value for KPI when source is not existing
- Add possibility to set interval to reduce the number of data extraction frequency
- Set Status Page as default landing page
- Bug fixes and cleanup code
Still Alive
This revision come 19 month after version 2.10. It is quite long and some people were asking if the project was dead or not.
The response is no, the project is not dead.
Version 2.11-beta7 was, one year ago a candidate to release but some bugs introduce with a new feature prevent the publication. I then decided to remove the buggy feature and to publish this new version.
RPi-Monitor is now a mature project and the frequency of update willnaturally decrease but the project is Still Alive.
How to install RPi-Monitor's the new repository
Execute the following command to add or update RPi-Monitor repository in you repository list.
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rpimonitor.list
Installation or upgrade from the repository
If you already have installed the latest version of RPi-Monitor using the repository, you can execute the following commands to upgrade:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
If you install RPi-Monitor for the first time, execute the following command to add RPi-Monitor into your list of repository:
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rpimonitor.list
To install RPi-Monitor, execute the following command:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install rpimonitor
After installation or upgrade you should execute the following command to update information about upgradeable packages:
sudo /etc/init.d/rpimonitor update
Manual installation is still working. Refer to RPi-Monitor Installation page for explanation.
New: Multi-column display
New: Alerts
RPi-Monitor is now embedding a mechanism of alerts. The idea is to execute a script when a KPI reach a limit. To avoid executing this script to frequently, some timer have to be configured.
The file example.alert.confshow how to configure alerts. We will see here how to simulate a temperature monitoring and how this configuration can raise and clear alerts.
To better understand the following explanation you should open the file.
The first part defines dynamic data and howRPi-Monitorshould do to extract information from the file /tmp/alert_test.
These data are added in statistics page to graphs the temperature.
Then we configure 2 alerts too_hot and too_cold. Here is the example for too_hot.>120
The alert will be evaluated only when it will become active, when active parameter will be evaluate to true. In my example 120 seconds after computer starts.
When the alert is active, the trigger is evaluated. In my example, when test if the value of test_alert is greater than 50.
When the trigger returns trueduring maxalertduration seconds (20 seconds), the command commandTooHot is executed.
If the trigger is still true after resendperiod seconds after (60 seconds), the command commandTooHot is executed again.
When the trigger become false during cancelvalidation seconds (20 seconds), the command commandItIsOkNow is executed.
Into the example file, you can see how these data are used to display label on status page. You will see that limit exceed is immediately detected and you will see alert send after the defined delay.
You want to test this example. It is easy:
- Uncomment the example.alert.confinclude line into /etc/rpimonitor/data.conf
- Execute the following command to generate data
while ( true ); do echo $(( ( RANDOM % 100 ) - 20 )) > /tmp/test_alert; sleep 90; done - Execute the following command to see alerts
watch 'cat /tmp/alert*' - Open the status page and check the auto update option to see the example running in real time.
New: Automatic update packages status
When you update your system manually, it is require to execute the following command:
sudo /etc/init.d/rpimonitor update
If you don't want to execute this command each time you update your system, RPi-Monitor can do this for you.To add or remove automatic update of this data, execute:
sudo /etc/init.d/rpimonitor install_auto_package_status_update
sudo /etc/init.d/rpimonitor remove_auto_package_status_update
RPi-Monitor is fully configurable so if the displayed information doesn't match you need, customize it.
Everything display in status pages or in statistics pages can be modified, tuned and customized to your needs.
To see how to customize it, use the command
man rpimonitord
man rpimonitord.conf
rpimonitord -i
Once RPi-Monitor is configured as you wished, browse http://RPiIpAddress:8888/ to access to the web interface.